Rebuilding a European photovoltaic industry

Rebuilding a European photovoltaic industry

Solar energy is the only credible large-scale solution for an energy that is controlled, clean and abundant, as well as the most rapidly deployable energy source to meet the challenges of the short-term energy transition.

Over the past four years, photovoltaic technology has been the most widely deployed energy source in the world. It already represents over €150 billion in sales in 2021 and should become the world’s leading energy source by 2050 (source: IEA).

At European level, 29 GW of new solar capacity were installed in 2021 and it is estimated that 50 to 70 GW / year will be installed as early as 2025!

To face this challenge, Europe will need to build a solid and competitive industrial sector. CARBON’s ambition is to produce 20 GW of photovoltaic panels in France by 2030, for the European market.

The integration of the entire photovoltaic value chain (ingots, wafers, cells and panels) is at the heart of our industrial and commercial project, as well as securing the polysilicon supply, a strategic input for many industries.

CARBON plans to supply the global market of solar power plant developers but also panel assemblers who buy cells directly. Our ambition is to recreate a competitive European solar industry, integrated from upstream to downstream.

By 2025, CARBON will be manufacturing and marketing photovoltaic products that are efficient, reliable, durable and low in carbon.

The company will raise its first round of financing by the end of the year to pursue its adventure, with the objective of opening its first production site in France in 2025.